Join Us in Making a Difference at Greenbrook Sanctuary!
Dear Greenbrook Member
Volunteers can assist in a range of physical and clerical activities, including:
Light physical, e.g., leaf/litter clean-ups, perimeter fence inspections, annual bird counts
Heavier physical, e.g., bog/vernal pool cleanups, invasives clearing
Clerical, e.g., membership and other mailings such as quarterly renewals and new key distribution, website content
I especially encourage those members interested in securing the future of the Sanctuary to consider serving as board members on the Administrative Council. The Council meets five times during the year and directs the Sanctuary’s finances, programming and major projects (such as the Little Brook restoration described in this Newsletter). Council members also assist at two Visitor Days in Spring and Fall and at the annual Meeting in October.
All of us on the Council encourage anyone with an interest in the Sanctuary’s future to consider joining us. At this time, there is a vacancy on the Council for the position of Secretary, who takes and distributes the minutes of Council meetings. Those with experience in outreach, publicity, marketing and fundraising are also welcome to apply.
Contact Membership Chair Mike Gallo at greenbrooksanctuary@gmail.com or me at c.connolly7@verizon.net. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have, so please don’t be shy. We need you!
Chris Connelly